Discover The Holy Land

30.12.2023 – 7.1.2024  | 
2.6.2024 – 10.6.2024

Professional tour guides

international community JOURNEY


Half board


Shalom and welcome to Israel! After landing, you will meet with Yedidia’s ground services coordinator at the reception area of the ben gurion airport. After a short introduction start the journey in the Holy Land.

Our first stop will be Tel-Aviv, the second largest city in Israel on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Check in, dinner and rest in a Tel-Aviv / Jaffa hotel..


Today we will follow Apostle Peter on his travels thru the land as described in Acts 10. We will start in Jaffa and drive to Caesarea, an important city in the first century. In the early afternoon we will climb Mount Carmel (by bus) and tour the Carmelites sanctuary at the top. There we will read about the wonders God has performed by the hand of Eliah. We will end our day with a visit to the ruins of the city of Megiddo, better known as Armageddon, and then check in and dinner at a hotel in Nazareth or Tiberius.


Nazareth village, in the center of the city of Nazareth is the place where Jesus grew up, there is an open air museum, demonstrating the way people lived in His time. We will visit the museum today and enjoy a first century style lunch followed by a walk thru the colorful markets of old Nazareth. At the end of the market tour we can visit the church of Annunciation and other related churches. On our way back to the hotel we will stop at the village of Cana, where Jesus preformed his first miracle. We will stay three nights at a hotel nearby the Sea of Galilee


Discovering the Sea of Galilee by boat will be the start of today. The rest of the day we will spend around the sea, from the city of Capernaum to the mount of Beatitude and from Corazim to Tabga, walking in the footsteps of our Lord. We can have lunch at one of the restaurants surrounding the Sea of Galilee


A walk along the walls and roofs of the city will lead us to mount Zion where the upper room is. Then we will make our way towards the Western wall, also known as the Wailing Wall. Taking the tunnels tour we will walk along the hidden base of the wall of the temple as it was left by the Romans while destroying the temple. On the other side of the tunnels are the pools of Bethesda. Nearby begins Via Dolorosa which we will walk all the way to the church of the Holy Sepulcher. Some free time and dinner at the hotel..


On this last day of our tour, we will enter the caves of Shepherds fields in Bethlehem followed by a stop at the famous gift shop. Then back to Jerusalem and to Yad vashem, the holocaust museum. We will end the day and our trip with a visit to the Garden Tomb and then The bus will then take us to the airport for the flight back home.


We can start today with a church service, at the hotel or in one of the churches in Jerusalem. Then we can start discovering the old city of Jerusalem, beginning at the Jaffa gate and walking thru the narrow streets of this magnificent city. We will walk the tunnels of King Hezekiah, see the city of King David and some of the places where Jesus walked. Some free time in the old city and then dinner at the hotel.


An early start is the key for success today, as we drive south bound along the Jordan River. The first stop is the place where John the Baptist stood and received the people of Jerusalem that came to be baptized by him. A renewal of your baptism is possible here. Our next stop will be at the caves where the Dead Sea scrolls where found. Then we will climb (by cable car) to top of mount Masada and learn about the heroic deeds of the Jews at the end of the great revolt in the year 73AD. At the end of this long day we will drive to the shores of the Dead Sea and comfortably enjoy its salty water. Check in and dinner at a Dead Sea hotel


The brave few in our group may choose to try out a camel ride in the desert as the others enjoy a Bedouin tea while hearing the same stories about life in the desert today and in the time of the bible. After a long desert drive we will reach the ruins of the city of Lachish where we can discuss the period of kings in the Bible. The last station today will be at the hills of Azekah, above the valley of Elah. This is the place where the battle between the Philistines led by the giant Goliath and the Israelites, led by the young (not yet king) David took place. At the end of this day we shall drive up to Jerusalem for dinner and a good night rest.

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